About Us

Tolhurst Farms Inc., Howick, Quebec
Tolhurst Farms Inc., Howick, Quebec

Robert Tolhurst grew up on a farm in Cartierville on Montreal Island. His father and two uncles operated a dairy farm there. His grandfather had focused mainly on  market gardening crops. After high school he took the diploma course in agriculture at  MacDonald College. The farm in Cartierville had a 99-year farm tax agreement with the  city which was coming to an end, at that time. Also with pressure from urban expansion  they needed to relocate. In 1946 the farm on Route 138 in Howick was purchased from  James Anderson and Bob started milking cows here in September 1950. The farm in  Cartierville was sold in 1951.

Bob married Thyra McKell, a school teacher in 1952. They had four sons; Andy,  Bob, Ken, and Brent.

Bob was always planning for the future of the farm. He aimed to build or remodel something every year. A purebred herd of Holsteins was established starting in 1955.

Milk was shipped in cans until 1964 when a bulk tank was installed. In 1966  a milking parlor and 39 stall free-stall was built. Four years later in Dec 1970, half of  the roof of this free-stall barn collapsed under heavy snow, killing five cows. A 30 stall  addition was built in 1974 and in 1990 a barn for 47 cows and 50 heifers was built. Land  was tile drained between 1969 and 1975.

In 1979, the farm was incorporated to provide a means of bringing the next  generation into the business. Andy, Ken, and Brent became shareholders with their  parents. Andy and Brent took the diploma course in agriculture at MacDonald College  and Ken went to Kemptville College. Their brother Bob became a lawyer but also kept a  keen interest in farming, raising his own herd of Ayrshires in Vankleek Hill. Ont.

We are working progressively to involve the next generation on the farm. The  example of hard work and dedication shown by Robert H. and Thyra has encouraged  some of their grandchildren to continue in the dairy industry. Ken continues to lead  the team on a daily basis which now also includes 3 Guatemalan workers. We have a  dynamic team of young adults and we look forward to where they will take this farm in  the 21st  century .

 (Click images below to enlarge)

Important Dates

1946 – Purchase of the farm from James Anderson
1948- Small machine shed built by Bob next to employees house
1950 – Milking of the first cows
1954 – Employees house built
1955 – Herd of purebred Holstein
1955 – Browns Mistress Mercedes purchased for $975
1964 – Installation of milk tank
1966 – A free stall barn and double five parlour was built
Dec 17 1970 – Half of 50 x 80 free stall barn collapsed from heavy snow.
1970 – A bunker silo for corn silage was built
1974 – Free stall barn was expanded to 69 stalls
1969 – 1975 – Land tile drained system was built
1979 – Incorporation of the farm
1979 – Purchased farm adjacent to home farm 81 acres plus 28 acres next to Irish Concession
1984, 1985 – Two new houses built with proximity to the main barn.
1990 – New area built for 47 cows and 50 replacement stalls
1995 & 1999 – Renovation of the milking parlour, double 5 became a double7
2001 – Last purchase of quota for todays total of 118.68 kilos
2001 –  Purchase of Thyra’s parents original home on English River. Now home of Andy and Sandi.

Tolhurst Caramel sold in the Production Sale that was held jointly with Templedale Holsteins in 1978. Working together breeders can support each other and the promotion of our industry. We are grateful for the great friends and breeders who continue in the dairy business throughout the Chateauguay Valley. Tolhurst Farm and Templedale Holsteins can trace a friendship back to Thyra and Bob Tolhurst and Murray and Jean Templeton. Men ahead of their time Bob and Murray recognized the potential of good dairy cattle and their desire to help the industry grow. Each with their own specific goals and supported by their wives, these two men encouraged their families to participate in the daily work of the farm. Now a generation later our families continue to support and encourage the grandchildren of these men to take us into the future.
Tolhurst Family
Tolhurst Family 1992
Tolhurst Farms, Cartierville, QC
Tolhurst Farms, Cartierville, QC

Click here to read a Farm Profile written by Ian Cumming from June 1996

wrapping up our hay season
wrapping up our hay season